Invite Only Programmes
Improvers (age 6-11yrs) Monthly Term: Sept-May
Improver Level caters for gymnasts that have been assessed by the Head Coach and have completed Lime Green Certificate. These classes are 1 hour duration. Classes are available midweek and weekends but are subject to availability and must be booked in advance.
Intermediate (age 6-11yrs) MonthlyTerm:Sept-May
Intermediate Level caters for gymnasts that have been assessed by the Head Coach and have completed Red Certificate. These classes are 1 hour duration. These classes are 1 hour duration. Classes are available midweek and weekends but are subject to availability and must be booked in advance.
Advanced (age 6-11yrs) Monthly Term: Sept-May
Advanced Level caters for gymnasts that have been assessed by the Head Coach and have completed Orange Certificate. These classes are 1.5hour duration. Classes are available midweek and weekends but are subject to availability and must be booked in advance.
Teen Plus (age 11+yrs) MonthlyTerm:Sept-May
This class is caters for Teens Age 11+ Provided they have passed their foundations and basics. So all teens attending Improver, Intermediate and Advanced will have a fun, safe, Age appropriate class that will still offer the certificate programme but at their own pace. Our main goal is to ensure longevity in our sport. We have also launched a Leader Programme for budding coaches also. Hopefully this will help us retain what I consider a crucial age group in a sport they love.